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Teletalk is the only government sponsored and 100% Bangladeshi  mobile telephone company in the country .Teletalk offer his subscriber GPRS internet service .
you can now use the full GPRS connectivity with your Teletalk connection.

Teletalk internet Package 
There are 6 type of internet package available for Teletalk customer .Various package for normal customer and shadheen66 package

How to active Teletalk Internet service 

  • To activate GPRS service. Write 'reg' and send SMS to 111.
  • To register monthly unlimited use, write unl or daily unlimited use, write dunl and send SMS to 111.
**It’ll be activated within 72hrs and you will be notified. The daily unlimited service spans from 12PM to 12PM nextday upon activation. Only SMS Charge applicable.

Configuring Teletalk internet your mobile handset for using GPRS:

Set up below settings 
How to use Teletalk internet in Pc:

For pc usingy connection name Teletalk internet apn gprsunl and phone number *99***1# keep blank user name and password


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