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LTE is IMT advanced - 3GPP

The Holy Bible English Standard Version (ESV)

In September 2009 the 3GPP Partners made a formal submission to the ITU proposing that LTE Release 10 and successors (called LTE-Advanced) be evaluated as a candidate for IMT-Advanced. This suggests that the next generation or truly 4G mobile WiMAX is likely to be a specification that is never implemented on a significant scale. This news may be confusing to those who thought that lot of operators have already deployed "4G" WiMAX networks. Since the backwards compatibility of 802.16m with current 802.16e is being emphasized, the hopes that somehow LTE and mobile WiMAX might be merged, or that the latter could become the TDD version of LTE has been put to rest. Operators now installing and committed to 802.16e should be very wary about the long term roadmap for mobile WiMAX technology. They should ensure that they do not lock themselves into this technology for very long, and should be preparing paths for migration to LTE. Intel has been a champion of WiMAX since its inception. But Intel’s future in mobile product markets is much more dependent upon its ability to carve out a substantial share for its low power processors in this business and to have its components incorporated into devices that will work on 3GPP networks, than it is upon the supply of chipsets for WiMAX wireless modems. LTE supports voice and efficient support of voice was one of the key considerations in designing LTE. The voice solution for LTE is IMS VoIP and it is fully specified.


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