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In partnership with many leading mobile operators and manufacturers, the GSM Association has announced a commitment to implementing a cross-industry standard for a Universal Charging Solution (UCS) for new mobile phones. The main objective is to adopt a common format for mobile phone charger connections and energy-efficient chargers, world-wide. The initiative aims at making chargers which have advantages like
  • reduce standby energy consumption
  • eliminate thousands of tonnes of duplicate chargers
  • enhance the end-user experience for mobile customers
This has been further endorsed by the ITU also. The European Commission recently reached an agreement with major phone providers for the UCS to work with all data-enabled phones sold in the European Union.The product definition includes common power supply with a detachable cable based on USB-IF standards.

UCS advantage
UCS is based on a Common Power Supply (CPS) having atleast a 4-star or higher energy rating. It will meet all efficiency regulations. With UCS in place, fewer chargers need to be manufactured each year which helps in reducing greenhouse gases produced in making and delivery of the replacement chargers. The widespread adoption of a Universal Charging Solution (UCS) is expected to result in:
  • up to 50% reduction in standby energy consumption
  • elimination of up to 51,000 tonnes of duplicate chargers
  • enhance the end user experience and simplify the charging of mobile devices

For the consumer, charging a mobile device will simplify the end-user experience. Consumers will be able to carry fewer chargers and charge mobile phones anywhere from any available charger. Consumers will also be able to re-use chargers even when they upgrade their phone or if they have different mobile phones from different manufacturers but still want to carry and use a single charger.

The inititative was launched in 2009 and the group expects a UCS world by 2012.

For a product overview, visit GSMA site.


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